Why does facebook chirp when i scroll ?

why does facebook chirp when i scroll ?

Have you been enjoying a peaceful scroll through Facebook only to be startled by a chirping sound? You’re not alone! This recent phenomenon has left many iPhone users confused and searching for answers. Let’s unravel the mystery behind the chirping and explore ways to silence it.

Why is Facebook Chirping?

Contrary to popular belief, the chirping isn’t a bug or a hidden feature. It’s actually an intentional addition by Facebook in their latest update. Their aim? To create a more “engaging and interactive” experience by introducing subtle sound effects during scrolling. However, their attempt at auditory enhancement seems to have backfired for many users.

Some users embrace the chirping, considering it a harmless addition that adds a new dimension to their browsing experience. Others find it distracting and unnecessary, preferring a quieter environment.

Silencing the Chirp:

Fortunately, if you belong to the latter group, silencing the chirping is quite simple. Here’s how:

why does facebook chirp when i scroll
why does facebook chirp when i scroll
  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner to open the menu.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Settings & Privacy.”
  4. Select “Settings.”
  5. Scroll down and find “Media.”
  6. Under “Sounds,” toggle off the switch next to “In-App Sounds.”

Voila! No more chirping interruptions as you scroll through your Facebook feed.

Whether you love or loathe the chirping, it’s clear that Facebook’s attempt to enhance user experience with sound effects hasn’t resonated with everyone. The takeaway is that even minor changes can have unexpected impacts, and user feedback is crucial for successful implementation.

So, keep your preferences known, and who knows, maybe Facebook will listen and offer additional customization options in the future. Happy scrolling (chirp-free)!